viernes, 31 de marzo de 2017


El Diario Oficial de la Generalitat Valenciana de antes de ayer, 29 de marzo, publicó lo siguiente:
* CORRECCIÓN de errores del Decreto 4/2017, de 20 de enero, del Consell, por el que se regulan los servicios y el Registro de Prestadores de Comunicación Audiovisual de la Comunitat Valenciana.
F.Carlos Iglesia Puig

LRA 36 Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel

LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel
vuelve a estar en el aire por su frecuencia
habitual de 15476 kHz.
Esta emisora, la única que emite desde el
continente antártico, lo hace desde Base
Esperanza, un asentamiento militar y científico
que Argentina tiene en dicho continente. La
población de ese asentamiento se renueva al
final de cada año, por lo que pasan varios
meses, normalmente entre enero y febrero,
que la emisora no emite, debido a hacerse
cargo de ella nuevo personal y en tanto no se
familiarizan con el funcionamiento de la misma.
El redactor la está captado, cuando la propagación
es favorable, con señal muy débil a
partir de las 2000 UTC, hora que cierra
Adventist World Radio en 15480 kHz. El
horario de transmisión es, de lunes a viernes,
entre las 1800 y las 2100 UTC.

Radio Exterior de España

Horario de emisiones de REE desde 26.03.2017:
1400-2200 15.520 Índico, OR-M, Gran Sol SyD
1400-2200 17.715 AM- S, Pacífico SyD
1400-2200 17.855 AM-N, Groenlandia SyD
1400-1800 21.620 AF-O, Atlántico Sur SyD
1800-2200 15.390 AF-O, Atlántico Sur
1800-2200 15.520 Índico, OR-M, Gran Sol LaV
1800-2200 17.715 AM-S, Pacífico LaV
1800-2200 17.855 AM-N, Groenlandia LaV

Cadena Ser andorra

 fachada de la entrada de Cadena Ser Andorra
No hay texto alternativo automático disponible.
La imagen puede contener: exterior
No hay texto alternativo automático disponible. F.Javir Rodriguz

jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017

Resoluicion aceptada

El Boletín Oficial de la Región de Murcia de ayer, 29 de marzo, publicó lo siguiente:
* Resolución del Director General de Simplificación de la Actividad Empresarial y Economía Digital, por la que se hace publico el Acuerdo del Consejo de Gobierno de fecha 15 de febrero de 2017 por el que se adjudican definitivamente las concesiones administrativas para la prestación del servicio publico de radiodifusión sonora en ondas métricas con modulación de frecuencia y se transforman en licencias en los municipios de Cartagena (89.4 MHz.), Murcia (106.9MHz.), Puerto Lumbreras (96.6 MHz.) y Santomera (83.3 MHz.).
NOTA: Por esta resolución se adjudica definitivamente las concesiones administrativas para la prestación del servicio público de radiodifusión sonora en ondas métricas con modulación de frecuencia en el municipio de Cartagena (89.4 MHz.) a Radio Popular, S. A., Murcia (106.9 MHz.) y Puerto Lumbreras (96.6 MHz.) a Corporación de Medios de Murcia, S. A. –La Verdad y Santomera (83.3 MHz.) a Radiotelevisión Sureste.
* Resolución del Director General de Simplificación de la Actividad Empresarial y Economía Digital, por la que se hace publico el Acuerdo del Consejo de Gobierno de fecha 30 de noviembre de 2016 por el que se adjudica definitivamente a doña Castora de los Dolores Saez Moreno la concesión administrativa para la prestación del servicio publico de radiodifusión sonora en ondas métricas con modulación de frecuencia en el municipio de Torre Pacheco (89.0 MHz.) y se transforma en licencia.
NOTA: Por esta resolución se adjudica definitivamente a D.ª Castora de los Dolores Sáez Moreno, la concesión administrativa para la prestación del servicio público de radiodifusión sonora en ondas métricas con modulación de frecuencia en el municipio de Torre Pacheco (89.0 MHz.).
F.Carlos Iglesia Puig

sábado, 25 de marzo de 2017

Guia de la radio

Adelanto del nº 995 de la revista digital de Disponible para descarga gratuita desde la medianoche del domingo al lunes. Y ya solo faltan cinco más...
F.Luis Segarra

viernes, 24 de marzo de 2017

Catalunya Ràdio en Girona,

Visita a la delegación de Catalunya Ràdio en Girona, a la de RTVE y a FeM Girona (emisora local vinculada a La Xarxa que emite en el 92.7, y que antiguamente había sido Onda Rambla y Punto Radio)
F.Jordi Moreno

jueves, 23 de marzo de 2017

miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2017

A Sound Future”

“A Sound Future” is the theme of this year’s RadioDays Europe conference, now underway in the Netherlands.
More than 1,500 people from 62 countries have gathered to discuss how to make better radio for listeners, while tackling the digital challenges ahead.
Highlights of the conference, held across three days, include the new Director of BBC Radio and Music, Bob Shennan, setting out his vision for the future of BBC Radio, and a session on radio in the connected home with speakers from Google, Futuresource, Radioplayer and Sonos.
A session on Tuesday, 68 days after the first region of Norway switched off some FM broadcasts, will review progress of the move to DAB, and ask whether the rest of Europe is likely to follow.
Ahead of the main conference, the weekend saw the first “Radio Hack Europe,” an open development and prototyping event. Participants and coaches worked on the future of radio by creating, refining and developing ideas and technologies, and presenting a prototype at the end of the hack, with the best going on to pitch their ideas on the main stage.
Meanwhile, Sunday afternoon saw networking sessions and interactive workshops, including a mobile video master class on creating professional content just using a phone, with Eleanor Mannion from Irish national broadcaster RTÉ.
Sixty radio and audio companies are also exhibiting in the RAI Amsterdam Convention Centre, familiar to many broadcasters as the venue of the annual IBC conference and exhibition

Last News DRM and DAB

Last week we reported about current developments in digital radio in Europe. In today’s article, we will look at the expansion of digital radio in other continents, with focus on India.

At the end of January, India launched the second phase of the largest digital radio rollout worldwide with the broadcast standard of choice being Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM). DRM offers the same services and functions as DAB+, but as opposed to DAB+, it is not a multiplex with many programs in a broadband emitting signal, but rather the direct digital successor of analogue AM and FM broadcast, with one emitting signal per broadcaster. This way, a coexistence with analogue AM and FM broadcasts in the transition phase is easily made possible, and all scenarios are covered, from local radio services to international and worldwide broadcasts. Just as with DAB and DAB+, Fraunhofer was substantially involved in the development of DRM.
So far, 39 high performance transmitters with DRM signals and up to a megawatt of transmission power are in service in India. Among these are two short wave transmitters for nationwide radio supply and two short wave transmitters for international broadcasts, reaching as far as Europe. The remaining 35 transmitters make up the nationwide medium wave network, which will cater to over 60 percent of the population with a purely digital service. This network is of utmost importance for the country, as most Indians living outside big cities are dependent on radio as a source of information.
Digital radio for everyone
By bringing the 39 DRM transmitters into service, AIR (All India Radio), the public radio broadcaster in India, successfully completed the first phase of the DRM rollout in the country at the end of 2016. The recently initiated phase two is comprised of continuous optimization of transmitting power, setting radio programs which will be available digitally in each region, as well as the activation of the additional service Journaline. This data service enables the parallel broadcast of current news and information in text form in several of the over 100 languages in India. This allows travelers who cannot understand the radio program, as well as the majority of Indians who do not have access to the internet, to stay up to date.
A significant factor for the successful introduction of DRM is the utilization of the audio codec xHE-AAC. It allows the transmission of multiple stereo programs plus data services via one single medium wave transmitter – at a quality which promises „FM for all Indians“, as actual FM broadcasts are restricted to the country’s largest cities.
All of the technologies mentioned, including the DRM standard itself, the xHE-AAC audio codec and the Journaline data service, as well as the upcoming Emergency Warning Functionality (EWF) service – were substantially co-developed by Fraunhofer IIS. The same is true for the implementation of DRM functionality in broadcast encoders, monitoring receivers and car radios, as Fraunhofer’s software modules are integrated in every single DRM device in India.
At the moment, many programs in India are still operating in simulcast mode, so the existing analogue program is kept for now, while additional programs and services are being offered in the DRM part of the transmission signal. Phase three of the DRM rollout will eventually bring the final conversion to a purely digital supply of radio in some years’ time. Apart from expanding the range of programs once more, this will also lead to massive annual cost savings for transmitting power. The major requirement for the start of this third phase will of course be a sufficient dissemination of DRM-enabled devices in India.
DRM rollout starting in Pakistan and Indonesia
While the largest radio digitization project worldwide is underway in India, other countries are working on updating their radio landscape as well. Neighboring Pakistan, for example, announced the successful implementation of their first DRM transmitter at the end of January 2017. As a first step, DRM is used for local and regional supply in the FM band. The next steps will include DRM upgrades for the existing medium and short wave transmitters of the country’s public radio broadcaster, Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation PBC / Radio Pakistan.
Indonesia, the country with the world’s fourth largest population, is also on its way to digitizing its radio infrastructure. Indonesia has a very vivid local FM radio landscape and a vast network of short and medium wave transmitters which provide information to the inhabitants of the larger main isles, as well as those living on the thousands of smaller islands. At the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union’s (ABU) annual meeting in October 2016, the public broadcaster Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) announced digitization with DRM. After successful tests in the medium wave band and an earlier test of DAB+ in Jakarta, another DRM test is due to take place soon within the FM band. Once this has been completed successfully, Indonesia shall see the official introduction of digital radio as well.
South Africa: double tracked with DRM and DAB+
Last but not least, let’s take a look at digital radio in South Africa. Following a successful test of DRM in the medium wave spectrum, DRM transmission in the FM band is about to start in Johannesburg, as a corresponding license was issued in the beginning of February. Especially local and community radio stations will be able to benefit from the enhanced possibilities of DRM regarding the generation of revenue and a drastic reduction in transmission costs, in comparison to analogue FM radio. The country is working on a regulation that enables radio digitization with DRM and DAB+ at the same time, allowing each broadcaster to choose the best medium according to their individual requirements. This approach is supported through the technical similarities of the two sister technologies, as well as the availability of suitable multi-standard receiver solutions. Therefore from the listener’s point of view, the underlying transmission system will not matter.

Radio Alcaravan

martes, 21 de marzo de 2017

Talking FM shut down

Talking FM shut down at . What's the status of DAB in your country? Check in our report:

DIAL LOCAL.Porriño(Pontevedra)

DIAL LOCAL.Porriño(Pontevedra)a 18 km de Vigo
90.1.RNE 1
96.5.CADENA 100 VIGO

97.4.RNE 3
99.4.LOS 40 VIGO
100.6.SER VIGO
101.2.M80 VIGO
104.7.COPE + VIGO
107.7.SI RADIO
F.Victor Victor

lunes, 20 de marzo de 2017

RTE 252 Khz

According to this report in the Irish Post (Febr 1
RTE longwave 252kHz
will continue
until 2019. RTE had said it intended to close the s
ervice in 2017:
RTE are set to continue transmitting their longwave
252 service until at least 2019 after positive
talks took place at a consultative meeting in Londo
n. The news follows a statement issued by RTE
back in October in which the state broadcaster anno
unced its "intention to close the service in
2017." (F. Alan Pennington-UK,

CKZU Vancouver

 . CKZU goes silent
CKZU, Vancouver BC is silent on 6160 kHz. According
to an insider
at CBC the transmitter is broken and “they don’t ha
ve parts to fix it because it's too old and no
parts [are] available. The money required to purcha
se a new transmitter doesn't make sense
because of the low numbers of people who use it.” (
F.Colin Newell

Guia de la Radio

Adelanto del nº 994 de la revista digital de Disponible para descarga desde este medianoche.

sábado, 18 de marzo de 2017

Radio IBC

WRMI has been broadcasting a program from Italy called Radio IBC for some time ago. But as of March 27th, the program language will switch from Italian to English to serve more listeners in the Americas.
Radio IBC tells us: "We will have 'Short Wave Panorama' for broadcast listeners (same as 'Panorama Onde Corte' actually in Italian) and 'DX Italy DX News' for hams (currently 'DX Italia Dx News' in Italian), and always the last 5 minutes in MFSK32."
And there will be now three airings per week of Radio IBC on WRMI, as follows:
Friday 01.00-01.30 UTC on 9955 kHz
Saturday 01.30-02.00 UTC 11580 kHz
Sunday 00.30-01.00 UTC on 7730 kHz

jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017

Acuerdo adoptado

El Boletín Oficial de la Junta de Andalucía de hoy, 16 de marzo, publica lo siguiente:
*Acuerdo de 7 de marzo de 2017, del Consejo de Gobierno, por el que se concede la renovación de la concesión administrativa para la explotación de una emisora de radiodifusión sonora en ondas métricas con modulación de frecuencia de carácter municipal al Ayuntamiento de Periana (Málaga).

F.Carlos Iglesia Puig

martes, 14 de marzo de 2017

Whats is the Best DAB Radio for an Elderly person?

This article will help you choose the best dab radio for an elderly person, however, if you are looking for a dab radio for someone who is recently retired and might need a radio to listen too whilst cooking in the kitchen or pottering about the garden check out our guide here.
When choosing a dab radio for an elderly person you have to keep a few things in mind that may vary from person to person and depend on the age of the person. It is recommend that when purchasing a radio that you look at the individuals specific needs which may include:

Ease of use

Digital radios can have many different functions along with the actual radio such as bluetooth, usb, ipod dock, alarm clock, fm am, mp3, auxiliary input, etc. Many elderly people will not have any use for these extra functions and they may indeed just add extra confusion for a user who is not very savvy with technology.

Do they need a large display?

A large display on a radio will be necessary to help those with sight problems. At a minimum the user must be able to see the display to be able to choose the right station and to adjust the volume. It can become very frustrating for an elderly person to mess around with modern technology without being able to properly see what they are trying to do.

Do they need large buttons?

Large buttons on a DAB radio can not only help those who can’t read the text on smaller buttons but it will also help people who have trouble with their fine motor skills or who have arthritis and aren’t as agile as they used to be. Large buttons can usually be programmed to do one task at a time making the radio easier to use and less confusing for the user.

Do they need a Loudspeaker?

Elderly users who are hard of hearing will obviously need a radio that they can hear properly. Having a loudspeaker built into the unit is a must and being able to control the volume of the loud speaker is also very important so that they can adjust the sound levels to suit their hearing needs. Listening to a digital radio through headphones may work better for some users but remember that this will limit their ability to hear other things such as phone calls and the doorbell.


Although most elderly people will have a set room for their radio they may from time to time need to move the radio. Larger radios may hinder that ability to move the radio about especially if they are cumbersome and do not have a handle. Depending on the person it may be better for them to have a lightweight handheld radio that will sit in their pocket so that they can take it wherever they want – the only downside is that if they have memory problems a small personal radio may be easily misplaced and hard to find again.

lunes, 13 de marzo de 2017

Norway: Listeners followed radio to digital platforms

The citizens of the north kept hold to their radio habits and followed radio on to digital platforms. In a major technology shift people need time to make the transition, and that’s why we see a decline. We expect this to stabilize in the time to come, says Ole Jørgen Torvmark, General manager of Digitalradio Norway (DRN). DRN is representing national radio channels.
Two months after the FM switch-off 64 percent of inhabitants in the region of Nordland listen to radio – compared to 74 percent before.
Kantar TNS has surveyed listening after the first FM extinction. Nationwide radio broadcast disappeared from the FM network in Nordland 11 January. The survey was conducted as a survey in week 9.
People choose DAB
DAB is now the most common platform for radio in Nordland. 81 percent of all radio listeners use DAB, before shutdown the reach was 57 percent.
– DAB has been people’s preferred digital listening platform for several years, and we see the platform growing when the analogue is gone. This may come as result of strong media focus on DAB, but first and foremost we think this happens because people choose sets that’s easy to use. People like to hear radio in a traditional manner, Torvmark replies.
Internet, mobile networks and TV sets has a smaller proportion of the total listening.
14,000 vehicles upgraded after switch-off
The survey also shows that many have acquired a DAB-radio the last months. By now, at least one 85 percent of all households in Nordland, has one DAB-radio or more.
-77 percent of household had at least one DAB-radios before switch-off, and ownership has increased significantly. 14,000 car owners have updated to DAB in the car the last two months. Approximately 53,000 vehicles in Nordland now have a DAB radio or adapter, says Torvmark, adding:
– We expect car radios to be upgraded in the months to come. The upgrade in cars happens slower than at home, but new figures show a significant change of tempo.
Kantar TNS conducts all listener surveys for radio. Knut-Arne Futsæter, research director for media Kantar TNS expects a decline in radio listening through the digital switchover-year and expects listening to stabilize in 2018.

Four Applicants Vie to Build, Operate Second German DAB Mux

 Germany’s media agency leading the process for its second nationwide DAB+ multiplex, received applications from four potential operators before the Feb. 24 deadline for proposals, according to
The Saxon State Agency for Private Broadcasting and New Media’s candidates are:
  • Digital Audio Broadcasting Platform DABP GmbH represented by the Managing Directors Dr. René Laier and Florian Schuck, Leipzig;
  • Absolut Digital GmbH & Co. KG represented by Managing Director Willi Schreiner, Nuremberg;
  • Media Broadcast Digital Radio GmbH represented by Managing Director Wolfgang Breuer, Cologne;
  • Radio digital GmbH represented by Managing Director Caspar Schilgen, Munich.
The Expert Committee on Networks, Technology and Convergence of Media Authorities will consider each application on March 7, and thereafter will make an initial assessment of the admissibility and quality of applications. It is foreseen that candidates will be invited to this meeting. 
The invitation to tender had been exclusively directed at platform providers for a uniform program offering throughout Germany. Regionalization was not provided, as sufficient DAB+ capacities are already available in the states of Germany. 
The intention for the new multiplex is that all the capacity and the operation of the network will be handled by one party, and that this party may organize carriage of its own programs or those of other broadcasting enterprises, according to “Rumors are that Domradio, Rock Antenne (sister station Antenne Bayern), Planet Radio (youth channel FFH from Hessen) and Kultradio Bavarian are interested.”

domingo, 12 de marzo de 2017

Guia de la radio

Adelanto de la revista nº 993 de Disponible para descarga gratuita a partir de la medianoche del domingo al lunes. Ya solo faltan 7....
F.Luis Segarra


sábado, 11 de marzo de 2017


13-14 UTC on 6070 kHz
21-21.30 UTC on 1584 kHz AM stereo

viernes, 10 de marzo de 2017


Se habla mucho del boom de Internet y se menciona
poco a la radio, y muy poco de la radio
comunitaria, que tiene un rol clave en muchos
países de la región, como advierte Reporteros
sin Fronteras. Pero, ¿por qué es importante la
radio? La respuesta la puede tener Irina Bokova,
directora general de la UNESCO.
“En esta época de turbulencias, la radio constituye
una plataforma sólida para unir a las comunidades.
De camino al trabajo, en nuestros
hogares, ofi cinas y campos, en momentos de
paz, de confl icto y de emergencia, la radio sigue
siendo una importante fuente de información y
conocimiento, que trasciende las generaciones
y las culturas, nos inspira con la riqueza de la
diversidad humana y nos conecta con el mundo.
La radio da voz a las mujeres y los hombres
de todos los lugares. Escucha a sus oyentes
y responde a sus necesidades. Es una fuerza
al servicio de los derechos humanos y la dignidad
y un poderoso factor que permite encontrar
soluciones a los problemas que afrontan
las sociedades”, dice Bokowa, quien destaca
que la radio es importante para llevar adelante
la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible.
Bokowa remarca que la radio es clave para
fomentar las libertades fundamentales y promover
el acceso público a la información, cuestiones
esenciales para impulsar la buena gobernanza
y el estado de derecho y para profundizar
en la inclusión y el diálogo: “Al hacer frente a
nuevos retos, al responder al cambio climático,
al luchar contra la discriminación, la radio proporciona
un medio accesible en tiempo real para
superar las divisiones y fortalecer el diálogo”.
En ese sentido, la directora general de la Unesco
apuesta por renovar el compromiso de todos
con la radio: “Los organismos de radiodifusión,
los reguladores y las audiencias deben fomentar
y aprovechar al máximo su potencial. Los clubes
y foros de oyentes unen a las comunidades en
torno a cuestiones de interés común con el
poder de escucharse en las ondas y lograr que
otros los escuchen. Gracias a las políticas destinadas
a recabar el compromiso de la audiencia,
los oyentes ocupan un lugar central en las
emisiones. La alfabetización mediática e informacional
nunca ha sido tan decisiva, a fi n de
generar confi anza en la información y el conocimiento
en un momento en que el concepto
de “verdad” se pone en tela de juicio. De este
modo la radio puede ser un modelo de soluciones
innovadoras a problemas locales y seguir
impulsando los derechos humanos, la igualdad
de género, el diálogo y la paz”.
En el Día Mundial de la Radio, la UNESCO
hizo un llamado a todas las personas para que
apoyen el poder de la radio en alentar las conversaciones
y la escucha que necesitamos para
la cooperación a fi n de abordar los desafíos a
los que se enfrenta la humanidad.

Radio Kurdistan

Denge Kurdistan on 11600 & 7455 kHz,
• 1500-1600 on 11600 ISS 250 kW / 090º
WeAs Kurdish
• 1600-1930 on 7455 ISS 250 kW / 090º WeAs
• 1930-2130 on 7455*KCH 300 kW / 116º
WeAs Kurdish
* no signal Jan.19-21, today was back on air at
F.Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria)

Radio Vaticana

Radio Vaticana y del Centro
Televisivo Vaticano en el dicasterio presidido
por monseñor Dario Edoardo Viganò. TRas la
desaparición de las onda medias, ahora están
haciendo lo mismo con la FM vaticana y, finalmente,
con la OC. De hecho, en el artículo se
dice que “Efectivamente, desde el 1 de enero
de 2017 el nombre “Radio Vaticana” ya no
tiene ningún valor legal y ha desaparecido de
las nóminas de sus 350 empleados. Pero no
se trata sólo de esto. El 1 de diciembre pasado
se dejó de transmitir definitivamente en onda
media; también la onda corta -histórico canal
de comunicación para los católicos de países
sin libertad, defendido hasta el final por el
padre Federico Lombardi– tiene los días
contado. Aún funcionan para África y parte de
Asia, pero su estación de transmisión en Santa
María de Galeria está a punto de ser cerrada”.
En fin, una emisora internacional más a la que
diremos adiós. Pero, lo que es más lamentable,
se trata de una de las decanas, impulsora
de la radio. F. https://gruporadioescuchaargentino.

miércoles, 8 de marzo de 2017


It's a question facing all aspects of the broadcast industry - now talking about the work of at

martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

Boletín Oficial de Castilla y León

El Boletín Oficial de Castilla y León de hoy, 6 de marzo, publica lo siguiente:
* ORDEN FYM/113/2017, de 21 de febrero, por la que se revoca la habilitación otorgada a diversos Ayuntamientos para la prestación del servicio público de comunicación audiovisual de radiodifusión sonora en ondas métricas con modulación de frecuencia de ámbito local.
Dichos ayuntamientos son:
F.Carlos Iglesia Puig

LG Stylus 2 DAB+

Les Sahel introduces the Minister to the LG Stylus 2 DAB+ at the opening of the exhibition

lunes, 6 de marzo de 2017

Loca Latino

F.Carlos Julio Gonzalez

More Headway for DAB in Eastern Europe

, Latvia — In December 2016, state-owned LVRTC in Latvia started testing DAB, and anticipates making it a regular operation after one year. The mux ensemble has room for up to 18 radio programs, and LVRTC is active with 11 programs, including five exclusive digital programs. During 2017 commercial radio broadcasters will also enrich the offer. About 60% of the Latvian population is covered by the DAB mux, according
The Czech Republic is the most advanced in DAB at this point in time. There are 29 radio programs from the state radio station Český rozhlas and from private radio stations available via DAB +, including numerous exclusive programs. Almost 60% percent of the population is covered. Czech Radiokomunikace recently added a new transmitter in Beroun to the network of Czech Radio's experimental digital audio broadcasting, according to
In Poland DAB + is already in regular operation. The national radio station Polskie Radio broadcasts 28 national and regional radio programs, including seven exclusively on DAB +. About 56% of the population is covered.
In Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and Romania there are ongoing pilot programs using DAB and DAB +, according to Other countries like Lithuania and Estonia are interested in digital radio as well, as is the Ukraine. On Dec. 22 of last year, the National Council for Radio and Television in Kiev decided to provide frequencies for DAB +.
"The strong interest of the East European countries in the digital radio DAB + is all the more remarkable since the history of the VHF band is quite young compared to Germany," says Dr. Willi Steul, director of Deutschlandradio. Some FM radio transmissions have been found in the OIRT band (65.8 MHz to 74 MHz) in most Eastern European countries not in the known FM band (87.5 to 108 MHz). It was only after the end of the Cold War that migration to the FM band began...


Next it's an update from the project office on the status of DAB+ around the world

domingo, 5 de marzo de 2017

Guia de la radio

Adelanto del nº 992 de la revista digital gratuita de Disponible para descarga desde la medianoche del domingo al lunes.
F.Luis Segarra

sábado, 4 de marzo de 2017

Radiodifusion remota

Receptor DB 7022

Dependable FM/DAB/DAB+ Audio Monitoring with Advanced Diversity Reception
The DB7022 – Dual Diversity DAB/DAB+ Monitoring Receiver is a next-generation tool that takes signal monitoring to another level of accuracy and dependability. It fully meets the Digital Audio Broadcasting standard and offers a combination of features that place it in a class of its own in terms of performance and quality. Most notably, it provides diversity reception which ensures a constant signal without interruptions.
Dedicated to bringing customers upgraded and multi-functional solutions, the team of DEVA Broadcast has created a dual monitoring receiver that supports AAC, AAC+, MP3 and RTP, as well as Program Associated Data (PAD). It boasts high-end digital DSP-based tuners and the ability to send out notifications in case of audio loss. Compatibility with the most popular media platforms like Icecast and Shoutcast is a matter of course for this type of DEVA product, as is the easy control and programming of the unit.
The so-called “diversity reception” provides an important advantage as it solves the problem of poor signal or signal loss. Fully compliant with the ETSI EN 300 401 DAB standard, the DB7022 is an advanced tool that provides reliable monitoring at an affordable price.
Dependable FM/DAB/DAB+ Audio Monitoring with Advanced Diversity Reception
  • FM Radio/DAB/DAB+ compliant receiver
  • Support for Program Associated Data (PAD)
  • Predefined DAB channels scan or manual tune           
  • Detailed DAB component information
  • FM Band 87.1 - 107.9 MHz DSP-based Tuner
  • Up to 110 dBµV direct RF Antenna Input
  • Selectable wide range IF filter bandwidth
  • Selectable De-emphasis - 50µs and 75µs
  • RDS and RBDS decoder with BER meter
  • Quick Station access via 4 Presets
  • High-end digital tuner
  • Wide angle, easy to read OLED display
  • Very Intuitive Navigational Menu
  • Real Time Audio Program Streaming
  • Built-in easy to use WEB and FTP server
  • Apple and Android devices support
  • Wide operating voltage range: 100-240V AC
  • Bright bar graph LED metering of the RF and Audio Levels
  • Headphone output with front panel level control
  • SNTP for automatic synchronization of the built-in clock
  • Level Adjustable, Balanced Analog Audio Outputs on XLR Connectors
  • Professional AES/EBU Digital audio output
  • LAN port for full TCP/IP remote control and monitoring
  • Adjustable MIN/MAX alarms for RF, Left & Right Audio Levels
  • Alarm dispatch via E-mail, SNMP ver.2C and GPO
  • Firmware updates will ensure improved operation
The DB7022 – Dual Diversity DAB/DAB+ Monitoring Receiver is a next-generation tool that takes signal monitoring to another level of accuracy and dependability. It fully meets the Digital Audio Broadcasting standard and offers a combination of features that place it in a class of its own in terms of performance and quality. Most notably, it provides diversity reception which ensures a constant signal without interruptions.
DEVA has established a long tradition of bringing together robust designs and sophisticated, refined technology perfected to the minutest detail. The DB7022 is a prime example of that tradition due to a number of assets. It is an impressive dual receiver, fully compatible with the Digital Audio Broadcasting Standard (ETSI EN 300 401 DAB). It automatically displays live metadata for all standards and supports AAC, AAC+, MP3 and RTP, as well as Program Associated Data (PAD), all standard bitrates and VBR.
The outstanding feature of this tool is its diversity reception capability which offers a reliable solution to the problem of signal interruptions by ensuring that the device switches between antennas when necessary for a constant audio signal.
The DB7022 monitors and logs the signal while also measuring the DAB signal quality and the Left & Right Audio level values and storing them for future analysis. All users need in order to download the gathered data is a standard FTP client. The device provides local alarm options and online notifications via rear-panel alarm GPOs, E-mail and SNMP in case of audio loss or change in the DAB signal and the Left and Right Audio levels. Compatibility with the most popular media platforms like Icecast and Shoutcast is also a matter of course for this type of DEVA product.
The DB7022 has a user-friendly front panel menu that facilitates navigation, as well as a set of four soft buttons and a high-resolution OLED graphical display for easy parameter reading. The device can also be programmed remotely through the PC, tablet or smart phone via a standard web browser; Apple and Android devices are also supported.
Robust and at the same time easy to operate, the DB7022 is an advanced tool that provides reliable monitoring at an affordable price.

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